Monday, June 1, 2009

self care challenge recap

my list
Day 1. say no when necessary
Day 2. don’t rush or try to force it
Day 3. care for others
Day 4. be honest and uncensored
Day 5. good dinner and conversation and going to bed on time
Day 6. journal time on a busy morning
Day 7. reading a book instead of being productive
just because the official self care week is over does not mean that its time to go back to normal where we ignore all our own needs and do nothing but take care of others and do things we are “supposed” to do.
Because a person who feels cared for can do a whole lot more good then one who doesn’t.
I can be a moody girl.
Sometimes my mood can go through a whole variety of changes in a matter of hours. Though I do write quite a bit in the low moments I try to not embrace it, including posting it for all to see. This isn’t because I don’t want to be honest, but because I don’t want to dwell. Those low moments and thoughts are not the ones I want to remember.
But of course I have them. Often.

I look them in the face and then discard them.

Holding on to them gives them too much power and I will not let them have it.
I am in charge, not them.
Being optimistic doesn’t necessarily mean I am living in a dream world.
Not always.


  1. You're very right! We all need to take care of ourselves. I love my downtime :)

  2. Wow - it's uncanny that you chose last week as your self care week, because I did the exact same thing! Two peas in a pod on oposite sides of the world ~ how poetic!


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