Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ok, as far as giveaways go,
this is a really good one.
Here's why:
First of all with this giveaway you get to be introduced to 3 quite remarkable women artists and bloggers.
My Dear Candace is the one hosting said giveaway in
honor of her 3 year blogger anniversary.
Happy Anniversary friend!
I cannot say enough good things about this woman or her blog.
Just head on over there and see what I mean.
Secondly, there are some very good prizes.
Below you will find a painted beach stone created by
All I can really say about this stone is
I. need. it.
I already have one in my possession and have been dreaming about owning another one.
This girl is hoping.
Thirdly comes our Dear Plume.
I have been happily reading her blog and wearing her jewelry for quite a while now and I can honestly tell you that both are an absolute delight.
This particular giveaway features a lovely pair of Specimen earrings.
These three blogs and the women behind them are well worth looking into if you haven't already.
Check them out!
And thank you Candace for putting this on for your faithful readers.
and have a


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