Thursday, October 8, 2009

its been a weird week

I had an odd night.
I feel rested though I also remembering being awake for most of it.
I don’t have a good explanation.
All I know is I need to buy more tea and perhaps some hot chocolate since the seasons are changing and it is suddenly cold.
I feel I should apologize for the slight lack of posting
and substance on this blog lately.
Honestly I have been feeling a bit dark
and so though I have written LOTS I decided not to share it.
And as always work and life keep me quite busy.
I am looking forward to the weekend
and frankly keep forgetting today is not Friday.
I think perhaps it should be.
Anyway I am enjoying the wind and rain and cold
and can’t wait to curl up with a blanket and book
(after doing just the littlest bit more work).

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