Wednesday, July 15, 2009

i need a nap

Well, I did not get quite so much sleep last night as I would have hoped. But that is all right because staying up to spend time with an old friend certainly seems worth it to me.

I have high hopes for this day today for no apparent reason. (its another optimist will not die moment I think as there is actually reason to believe that things during this work day might be quite a bit less then ideal… but no matter, I will power through).

Work work work, some coffee to help me through, friends for dinner tonight and then the new Harry Potter movie. (Yes, I said it, I am seeing the new Harry Potter movie pretty much on its opening day)…

Also I will publicly admit here and now that I sometimes do some very silly things.
Oh dear. I think its perhaps best not to dwell on this one…

Anyway, I am off to be productive at my day job and perhaps do a little sketching and thinking for my etsy job (which I suppose makes me less productive at the day job...)

Also can anyone think of any words that are both a noun and a verb? Like sprout is one example. If you can think of any I would love to hear them.

Thanks! :)


  1. Digest, escort, produce, record, conduct...

  2. Hope you have fun at that Harry Potter movie!

  3. Chris, i like that!
    And Harry Potter was fun. :)
    Tonight though i think i need to go to bed early!


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